Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2 years of Blogging Excellence!

I just noticed that my first Blog post was 2 years ago today.  That is all. 
Just an observation.
where o' where has the time gone?


Lia said...

congratulations! Keep up the great blogging - I enjoy them!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


your blog is my favorite! i'm so glad you decided to start one! reading your new posts is often a higlight of my day/week, etc. that doesn't say anything spectacular about me, now does it? anyway- keep up the mini-vantastic mega fun!


Anonymous said...

"Blogging Excellence"?? Isn't that being a bit presumptive?

Michelle said...

thank you for your kind words. I am glad my blog highlights your week, that is funny.
You need to get yourself a mini-van and you will have many adventures of your own, enough to start your own blog, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Pretty much an average blog until the Fig logs on.

Anonymous said...


i think i will get have at least one more kid before i get a mini-van. i may feel slightly ridiculous and not very environmentally friendly driving around with one child in a vehicle that seats 7. but until that highly anticipated day arrives i will just have to admire your blogging skills from afar. and don't listen to your dad or brad. as i'm sure you are aware, they don't think anything is cool until they're involved.


Laurie said...

Happy Bloggerversary.

Marva's "Marvalous" Memories said...

Chelle - yes, where does the time go? I started writing monthly family newsletters, just to keep all the kids informed of the same activities, and realized last week that I was typing 'Issue 91' - that means I've been doing it for over 7 years. Amazing, huh? I love your blog too - I wish I knew how to add all the cute little things that you have on your site! Keep up the great work!! Love ya! Aunt Marva

Marc said...

Your post made me do some digging back to my very first post on my original blog - tax day 2003.


Time flies.