We welcomed more new babies into the group and as the night went on we began to reminisce as we often do, about high school. One of the ladies there is a counselor at a local high school and told us stories about the Prom 2008 that she recently attended as a staff member. Whoa, how things have changed. Since this is a family blog, I won't get into details of what she saw at her prom, but I will post some photos of our "prom" back in 1990s. Our school called it the Junior/Senior Banquet. A title like that lends itself to a much more refined and sophisticated event...or not.
Enjoy the photos dedicated to "the girls"
Notice the bad 90s fashion as well.
Not a single one of us ever played a lick of soccer.
Also, T-shirt must be tucked in the front, and hanging out in the back.
Notice the giant Doilys on Dana's gown.
Notice too, my severely unnatural tan.
Now that is a trend I can get on board with again.
Loved (almost) every minute of it.
Those are some serious curls in the prom picture. I, too, had the puffy sleeves and out of control Oompa Loompa curled hair. Unfortunately, that nickname stuck for quite some time.
Did Dana's Grandma know she had taken all her doily's?
You have to admit our mom's had it pretty good with all the oversized man clothes, nothing like the tight midriff-bearing clothes of today.
Just think the 70's are back in style now, maybe by the time Joy and Juliet get into high school the oversized flannel shirts will be back in style.
Those are some seriously great pictures and the descriptions are even better. Gotta love the 90's!
Doilies are hot.
I think Victoria's Secret is coming out with a new doily line, actually.
I so remember that awesome oversized blue checked shirt. I miss my umbros, but not my prom dress. Can't say as I've stepped foot in Abercrombie since those days either.
what is with the the purple dress in the '94 pic? is that a giant choker that is ATTACHED to the dress???? i was just at the mall on monday and it does appear as though the poofy, taffeta, off the shoulder prom dresses are back. maybe you could sell your dress to someone 17 year old looking for a dress?
As a dad I always loved a good flannel shirt. Too bad it wasn't camo.
While looking at these pics I had to play "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey. It was very fitting.
BTW I just downloaded that song the other day... and we have the same ring-tone! Weird! (said in a spooky tone)
BTW- can you label these pictures? I feel like I should know who is in them, and I just cannot tell!
I am ready for man shirts to come back as well. As bathing suits? Would that be a stretch?
I've been on a 90's music kick (Mother Love Bone, Temple of the Dog, Blind Melon, Soundgarden, etc) reliving my less-than-impressive high school years. Now I see this.
Wow, I want to die.
But seriously, I still picture the women in those photos in Umbros. Frankly, I can't picture them otherwise.
Dont you dare label who is in those photos, we dont need to name names!!!! By the way, I had to show some of those photos to my students, they all think we look awesome. Yes, we still have it ladies!!
I wish big hair would come back, me and my wife were the same height in the 80's
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