Thursday, January 27, 2011

it seemed like a good idea...

at the time...

Recently,   I printed out softcover books of my blog posts over the last nearly 5 years.   It has been an interesting and fun journey to read through the story of our lives since I started the ol' blog in February 2006.    I am happy to say that my thoughts and experiences both the inane and the life changing  are not only virtually recorded but also on a hard copy that my offspring can read and chuckle through someday,  just in case this internet thing doesn't last forever.     I can only imagine what they will think of their mothers musings when they themselves are in their 30s.    It will certainly be a different world. 

So this is one of those posts.   One about our life,  light observations.   After all,  we do live beyond the heaviness we have felt this last year,  and I am not made up entirely of  deep thoughts.  :)

I've been noticing a lot of stuff/habits around here that started out with high hopes, only to leave me annoyed as of late.

The Shelf.
One of my great ideas to fill the weird space in our living room.
What once looked like this:

Now looks like this:
We moved the monstrosity to the boys room and they could not be more delighted.
It now adorns junk, book, trash, action figures,  dust,  and the like.  It is a showcase of all things Chase and Drew.   Really,  how do you even begin to organize this treasure trove?

The Pillow.
This being my 6th pregnancy,  you would think I've seen and tried it all when it comes to pregnancy products.   Not true.   A particular pregnancy pillow caught my eye a few months back and I could hardly wait to be uncomfortable while sleeping!  The discomfort would allow me the justification I needed to buy this unusual contraption that boasted of back and belly bliss.  

I don't love it.    Not cushy enough.

The Pacifer.
I have only myself to blame.   When Juliet was 4 months old and just about the most content baby old I had ever met,   I came across a pacifier.   She was fussing in her swing and I thought it might be cute to see if she would enjoy it.  The was history.

What was extremely adorable at the time has turned into a rock solid addiction that perhaps I should have broke about a year ago.   Oops.

The Dog.
Perhaps this will be a bit of a sensitive subject for her former owners,  but I have to let it out.
Exactly who does she think she is?  Sitting on her perch like that?

The story of her acquisition reads here.   In the 7 months we have had her,  she has peed, pooped, destroyed, and annoyed!    Here's the thing though-- the kids,  specifically Drew and Juliet LOVE her.
And so she remains.

I'm sure there are many more but since there is no where deep or particularly meaningful that I am going with this post,  I'll sign off.
I just  wanted to pop in a few sillys  for the archives,  and know that I won't look back at this blog someday  and say... It seemed like a good idea... at the time.  It has been good.


natalie said...

the shelf is perfect for kid treasure!...and give the pillow to Dan :)
Have a good day!

Mom H said...

Oh the things we would do differently if we could do them over.... to quote someone famous "it's all part of the experience" and to quote your father,someone famous only in his own mind, "I never saw someone going to college with a pacifier" Chelle it just makes for good, and not so good sometimes,memories. We sure have a lot of them too. Glad you're keeping record of it all because you will forget some stuff (trust me :)

favorite brother in laaaaaaaaaaaaaw said...

Oh Chelle! I love the pacifier one! Way back when Wife told me you gave Juilet (as Sohpie calls her) a pipe at that age I said "Doesn't she remember the Chase incident?" We did the exact opposite. When our girls were about that age and seemed to lose some interest in them we got rid of them quickly!

That pillow looks like a white turd. No wonder it's not comfortable.

(Thanks for blogging again and not being serious!!)

MiniMe Mom said...

Oh, the paci twins. Bryce and Juliet will be in kind. with them, I think:-)

I like your serious posts....BRRRRRRAAAAAAAD

But I like this one, too:-)