Thursday, November 03, 2011

my Lil' Homemaker.


Is this still considered a profession/occupation?

Yes.  I suppose it is.
But not a paid one,  so really nothing's changed in the last forever of housewifery.  (yes, it's a word!)

I asked Chase what he would say my job is,  if someone were to ask him.

He replied,
" Um, probably you take care of baby and clean.? "

Okay,  true enough.   He also says that I am the weirdest mom he knows,  so that proves he is honest.

True as all of that is,   he did however miss a lot of my purpose as a Wife, Mom,  and someone who hasn't seen a Medicare or Social Security deduction since the year 2000.    

The day to day, week to week of the same ol' same ol'  has been my dream. come. true.   You see,  I always wanted to be a mother and make a home.   I feel blessed to be given this opportunity in life and for the most part enjoy it very much.    That may sound strange in a society of many over  great achievers.    Would anyone dare  say that being a mom (who isn't working an outside job) doesn't contribute to the world?    Well,  of course she is,  right?    She contributes a functioning adult into society at the end of her tenure.

Allow me to stop a second for the sake if clarity.   No one has ever made me feel like a lesser contributor,  rather it is I who have allowed myself to think it.  Sometimes I think I'm not doing enough,  you know... in the real world.

In the last 11 years I have often lost sight of exactly what I am doing.  That was recently revealed to me in the moment I folded the colorful towels with my 3 year old.

I had lost the joy.

I wasn't finding a sense of accomplishment in tasks completed.   Somewhere along the line I no longer purposed to make a home.  I just kind of slogged through the week in the hopes that somehow everyone had a full tummy and clean underwear.

I needed a booster shot.   Something to (re)open my eyes to my calling and to encourage my pursuits.
When I took a look at Juliet in these photos,  my eyes are opened.

Her concentration, 
her happiness, 
the empty laundry basket.   

Recently I've renewed affection for my purpose.

Yes,  folding towels and chagning a diaper for the millioneth time
isn't glamorous.  

But, it is life.  
My life.

I have decided to start thinking about what being a homemaker,  SAHM, whatever you want to call it,  allows me. 
It allows me time to drive my kids to school,
It allows me time to commune with my dear friends.
It frees my mind to ponder,  and opens my eyes to see things I'm certain I would miss if I had a career,  simply because I know I wouldn't make the time for those things.
It allows me the ability to Blog and create this journal of our lives.
It allows me to serve and think,  and pray, and laugh.  
... and much more...

Homemaking as my profession lets me be who God created me to be.
Every little thing that I do 
(laundry most certainly included)  
is for the Glory of the One who made me.

I need to remember that fact when I'm meal planning,   bathtub scouring,   and booger wiping.

P.S.  ~~~   My thoughts expressed in this post are strictly my own and are written for the sake of record keeping and personal accountability.   It is not my intent to persuade or judge,  or force my views on anyone.  This includes my daughter(s),  who will most likely grow up to manage a career,  home and family with beautiful ease,  
and I will be so proud.   



Jamie said...

I love it! You are perfect at what you do, and are a beautiful example of what God wants us to be as mothers.

Lisa B said...

I LOVE this Michelle and can relate on so many levels (including having a mini-homemaker to help me :) ). Being a mom and homemaker is what I have always wanted, too, but sometimes I forget what a blessing it truly is. Thanks for the reminder to cherish and find joy in the little, mundane things.

Triplet Mom said...

Well said Chelle. Sometimes I feel like people who say being a mom is the most important job are just patronizing us. But the truth is, with God's help we are teaching the next generation. The mark we leave on the next generation is much deeper and more beautiful than any career ever could. Moms forget their importance every day (myself included) - I think it's the boogers - but we really make a huge difference in God's kingdom.

Anonymous said...

if they are lucky, they will turn out just like you chelle!


natalie said...

it is sad how quickly we can get off track and lose sight of the simple joys in folding laundry with a precious 3 year old :) Love that song, it is such a great reminder!

And you are an amazing mom chelle!

Laurie said...

Love this post. Thanks for the affirmation, Chelle.

With all three of our kids in school full time I get asked A LOT when I am going to go back to work. Am I not working right now? ;)

Marva's "Marvalous" Memories said...

Chelle - If someone asked me when I was younger what I wanted to be, it wasn't a nurse, or a teacher, or a secretary, it was "A MOM!" I was fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom for most of my kids' growing up years too. It's a wonderful thing to be able to go on class trips, be there for sporting events, show up when they are in chapel, etc. Being a mom is one of the most important jobs in the world and you are an excellent one!! Love you!! Aunt Marva