Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Family Tree

This is my new thing.

Just the other night I was talking with my Dad about our roots. What is our blood, the national heritage of those gone before us. I am, as are many Americans, a mutt. You know, a mixed breed. This information I already knew. I am English, a tiny bit French, and a lot Dutch.

What I did not realize is that my one set of my Great Grandparents immigrated from jolly 'ol England. I guess I assumed they were farther back that--the original immigrates. Anyway, I was intrigued with the fact that my Greats were English, drank tea, and were Catholic prior to moving to the jolly midwestern US.

Later that evening I hoped online and started to do some research and started a family tree. I have a long way to go but I hope to learn about my ancestors, uncover photos of these folks, and most importantly see with new eyes God's grace from one generation to the next.

Has anyone done this before? I could sure use a few tips. Just think of what I may discover...


Anonymous said...

Uncle Lee, Grandpa Hopkins' brother, has traced the English side way back to England. Grandpa might be able to fill you in on some of the details.

Triplet Mom said...

Let me know when you get it done. Then copy it for me. Thanks for your work. I will lazily reap the benefits.

Michelle said...

triplet mom, what a hoser.

Dana said...

My grandma's written a book about our family tree.
Talk to Marie.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a silly waste of recources

Anonymous said...

Long live the Queen!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Larry has the Grooter's side, talk to him. I have his email if you want it.