Sunday, July 30, 2006

future aspirations.

Do you ever wonder what kids are paying attention to, what they remember, or what makes an impression on them?

Tonight Chase and I were discussing how I became a Dieleman after I married Daddy. I told Chase that someday when he marries a girl she will too will have the last name of Dieleman. Chase then stated rather matter of factly that when he is a daddy he would also like to be a pest. I asked him what he meant by that, and he said, "ya know, like when daddy is always a pest and runs after you in the kitchen, and bugs us." He was completely serious so I didn't want to laugh. This is what Chase notices about his Daddy? That he is a pest? Pestering people is what he wants to do when he grows up? Do they offer career counseling in first grade?

I take this as a good thing, I guess. Chase must enjoy it when Dan plays with (pesters) him. He must also find it amusing when Dan "bugs" me in the kitchen while I am trying to cook or clean up. (You husbands out there know what I'm talking about)

It could be worse though, Chase could grow up and constantly be asking people to scratch his back--- just another thing he might learn from his Daddy.

oh, Dan, how we love you :)


denhartigh said...

It all goes back to 1st grade when the ones that chased you were the ones that loved you. Just a sign that Dan really loves you! Chase will learn the same thing soon enough.

Sonny Huisman said...

Kids are so intuitive!

The coolest thing about all this is that he sees the love between his Mom and Dad! There's nothing more important to the security of a child than seeing that his parents love each other!

Keep up the pestering guys!

Triplet Mom said...

Drew and Joy already pester each other! Does that mean they DO love each other after all?

Anonymous said...

The girl did it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I loved "boys chase the girls". When I caught Judy in 4th grade I thought it mean't I had to marry her. So I did.

Anonymous said...

Ron and Todd must have really really loved me. So when Todd slammed the car door on my head he was only expressing his deep love for me.