This was the first year of T-Ball for Chase. After four rain outs early in the season, they finished strong with a winning record. Of course, their are no losers in T-Ball, just a bunch of kids that have as many chances as the stars in the sky to get a hit off the tee. While waiting for their turn at bat, anyone on Chase's team could be found staring at the sky, playing in the dirt on the field, running to the port-o-john, or dancing around on base. It was amusing to watch but even more heart warming to see them, after a hit, run (sometimes lollygag) from base to base. Oh, to be a 6 year old again. No scoring, no losers, only winners and everyone gets a trophy at the end of the season.

Your blog could be better
doubtful. it already has been nominated for a "bloggie" award.
Sounds like my kind of competition... no winners or losers.
We bought Noah a glove this summer so that we could pratice for the hard life of tee-ball.
mine too
nominated for a bloggie
Did you call me a woos and use the two words preggie bellies? Ouch!
in the famous words of Fig "I plea the fifth"
What is a woos? Did you find that in a fig-tionary?
It was a joy watching our firstborn grandson play his first team sport.( it was also a hoot!)What would we have done if grandma hadn't brought extra blankets,sweatshirts and snacks. My motto is always come prepared ya know. Chase is one sweet boy! Can't wait to see the Dewster in action.
"plea the fifth, Fig-tionary" pricelss
yeah, I was pretty much the most unprepared mom ever. Chase only had his hat for 50 percent of the games.
yes, grandma H. brought sweatshirts in the middle of the summer.. she was prepared all right.
Just the way I like it. Everything is all nice and happy. No one gets dissapointed just like in REAL life!
I don't want you to feel bad with so few comments
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