Thursday, July 08, 2010

Chicken Coop part deux

7 months later Dan's displaced chickens have a new and improved home. 
Last summer she was a beauty:

Unfortunately, after the fire last January:

the contraption (um, eyesore) pictured above was their temporary home.

Over the last 3 months,

their lap of luxury is nearly complete.

he will be
back in the
egg business.

 for goodness sake.  sometimes there are no words to explain a two year old.


Anonymous said...

Does it have it's own address? Our chickens want to send them a house warming card. =)


Mom H said...

Dan is the man! It's has taken a while but that coop looks great! The whole chicken and coop thing has been a great family project (at least in my humble opinion). I remember when Dan said to me that when you first got the chickens you had ten dollars worth of fun just talking about it at the dinner table.