I seem to have a problem. I think it started when I was about 9 years old and wanted to get my first perm. I begged my mom for a haircut and a perm. No more curling irons, just spray my hair with a water bottle and let it dry. My mom gave in to my desire and the result was somewhat of a curly mullet.
Since then I have never been satisfied with my hair. It was either too thin, too brown, too straight, not enough bangs, the list goes on and on. As I reached adulthood this problem only worsened as I often took matters into my own hands. Just about every 3-4 months I decide that I need to save a few $$ and color/highlight my hair at home. Or maybe I decide to take a scissors to my head. I do not know what posesses me to do this, really. I doubt there is a 12-Step recovery program for this addiction.
Since last fall I have not been real a regular at a salon or to my hair stylist (Tami) :)
This is precisely the time when I cross over to the dark side, which is what happened today.
I bought this 2 step Color and Hi-lighting Kit at Target and decided today was the day to bust it open. With promises of "Multi-Tonal color in just over an hour", I proceeded with glee. The result: Step One was not bad, an all over cooler brown color. Step Two is where it took a turn for the worse. First, I ran out of creme to highlight my entire head, so I only had chunks in the front. It gets worse. Next, I didn't leave the highlighter on long enough...yep, the chunks are orangeish.
This story has almost reached an end. Luckily, I had another box of "Natural Match" hair color. I squirted that stuff on and it seems to have even things out a bit.
I was fortunate, I think it could have got even worse. I just could not stop myself!!!!
Does anyone else out there have a really weird "issue" such as this?
I think I need to stop trying to re-invent myself and settle on one haircolor and one hairstyle...at least until summer comes around.
Michelle-I think I have the same problem!!! I too just recently colored my hair and after it was dry I looked at it and thought, "This does not look like it does on the box." Some days I just wish I could have my natural color back. Oh wait, then the grays would show through!!! Yikes what do we do??? Were not getting old, are we???
Cousin Kristy
Hey Kris~~I am glad to hear that we suffer from the same problem, let's blame it on our mothers :)
Why is it that some of my relatives feel the need to cut/color their own hair? My sister-in-law Joy is another fan of taking matters into her own hands and has never had a good result. She know that she can call me and I will just roll my eyes and say,"Oh, Joy!"
"Oh, Chelle!"
Chelle - Keep it LONG and keep it dark. It is all you need to keep beautiful. Have I ever been wrong?
I think you would look good with it really, really short.
Ross has a problem with e bay
Might I suggest "The Perfect Hair Cut System" as seen on TV known as the Flowbee. People like my sister Tami don't want the word out as it would cut out her business. It attaches to a shop vac and enables the user to cut their own hair.
Check out flowbee.com
todd is right,
not only does it suck but it cuts
(no mess afterwards)
Yes, I truly fear the Flowbee and it's refreshing vacuum haircut.
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