Friday, October 27, 2006

How to Become an Early Riser??

It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.
- Aristotle

Do you ever start blogging and clicking and blogging and clicking some more and end up at something really interesting? I don't know how I got to this site, but it was a sort of self help article about becoming a so-called morning person. If you know me at all, a morning person I ain't. It's not that I'm ornery in the morning, I just cannot pop out of bed, no matter how much sleep I've just had. I would more accurately be labeled a night owl. No matter how late, if I am watching TV I will not fall asleep. I have been known to vacuum at 11pm, or get groceries at 9pm. I have quickly learned that being a mother of a school kid, I am forced to be in the morning person club. The problem is I have not left my night owl ways behind me, it pains me to goto bed before 11pm. My result has been migraines, cold sores, dark circles under my eyes and a fondness for caffeinated products. Something's gotta give.

Back to the article. Here are the main pointers in becoming an Early Riser.

There are two approaches to the task. One is go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and night. The other is to listen to your body, go to bed when you feel sleepy, but wake up at the same time 7 days a week. The author says that you won't waste time in bed awake if you wait to goto bed when you are truly sleepy therefore you will spend all of the time in bed getting quality sleep. Some nights bedtime will be sooner, some later. Your body will adjust daily to your sleep needs.

Sounds too easy, so I am fairly skeptical. I'm giving it a try this week. My plan: 6am sharp wake up time, and not keeping myself so busy with late night tasks that I don't realize my sleepiness.

We shall see.


Michelle said...

well, I already blew it--hit the snooze twice, and got up at 6:10am

Dana said...

Blame it on the time change.

Old School said...

6:06 every day

Anonymous said...

Tell Dan he has a nice forehead. And shoulder.

MiniMe Mom said...
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MiniMe Mom said...

Well, good luck- I couldn't do it! I have a hard time getting in bed before 1. Thank God Kayden sleeps until 8.

Michelle said...

I did kind of hose Dan in that picture of me--he was all forhead and shoulder anyway.

Sonny Huisman said...

Mornings just suck! I'm the same as you Chelle - I hate getting up - no matter what time it is or how long I've slept.

I do know that I get a lot more accomplished if I'm up early . . . but it doesn't make it any easier!