Friday, February 09, 2007

Winter. It's a Good Thing.

I'm trying really hard to refrain from complaining about the sub-zero temperatures we've been experiencing this month. It hasn't been easy considering I've been dreading this time of year ever since the first leaf turned and fell from it's tree last Fall. (Remember all you autumn lovers how it was your "favorite time of the year"? Well, this is what follows Fall--this...this freezing, cold, slippery, inside your nose burning weather that has no end in sight.

Oops, suddenly I'm complaining/whining. How did that happen?

My goal for this post is to give winter in the midwest a better name, list some positive attributes--one last plug to convince the T & A to move on back !

  • Winter means no yard work--weeding, mowing, and the like.
  • Winter offers the chance of SNOW DAYS--no school
  • Winter keeps me off the snowy roads resulting in less shopping and more money saved?? (that one is debatable)
  • Winter snow covers the dirty browness that covers the landscape, making it bright, white, and clean.
  • Winter clearance sales. Stock up on clothes for next year at rock bottom prices!
  • Winter gives our skin a time to rest from the damaging rays of the summer sun.
  • Winter means much more down time for Dan at work. He is home for supper almost every night!!!!! and available to take the kids outside for countless snowmobile rides in a circle around the house.
  • Winter Birthdays. In the month of February and March we have 13 in just our immediate family! That is so much birthday cake.
  • The anticipation of Spring. Once we reach March, it's just around the corner.
So here is my list, the mental exercise that it was. If you know of any winter benefits, do tell. We need all the encouragement we can get.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22


Old School said...

Is this the anti blog of one of my posts?

Michelle said...

Well sort of. Your poetry was my inspiration.

Dark Skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face... and what not.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with your first two points. Winter just means cold yard work, blowing or plowing snow, shoveling porches and sidewalks, even taking the trash out to the street requires boots, coats, hats and gloves.

Summer means no school at all, you don't have to wait for the occasional snow day.

The only good thing about winter is March Madness is coming soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes winter is good. My birthday is in Feb. Yellow cake and choc frosting. Winter helps me appreciate my trip down south to warm sun and water. January is the time I set my new important goals:
1. spend more winter time down south.
2. shoot bigger and better deer and turkeys when it get warm
3. win that barefoot contest in the blazing sun
4. spend more time with my grandkids fishing and jetskiing on cool water on a warm summer day
5. enjoying a nice, warm summer evening by blowing up the sky with fireworks
Yes winter is a very good time.

Anonymous said...

March birthdays are WAY better than the February ones. Chelle and I "bookend" the month of March

Sonny Huisman said...

Nice attempt at trying to be positive! I give you props for trying . . . cuz, let's admit it! It sucks!

I don't know that winter is better for your skin . . . I feel itchy and crackly all over every time I move . . . I'd rather have sun-damaged skin than dry winter skin any day!

Old School said...

That's one bookshelf I don't want to be booked on.

Anonymous said...

That was Ashlyns verse last month for school :)

Not a fan of winter either. It gets the best of me...literally. I was driving home during a white out a few days ago and I started crying! I'm a such a wuss! Austin wasnt very sympathetic.

Anonymous said...

Chelle's a pessimist
No matter how hard she tries
She just can't kick it

Amy said...

i know winter blows, one of the biggest cons on my list. but like mom says, "it's just weather, and we'll be your sunshine!" and i think she might be right.

Anonymous said...

Chelle, following fig's list, you should start to mentally prepare for the great SKI OFF II. Already in my mind I am skiing sweet.

Yikes, I am turning into one of them. NOT GOOD.

Anonymous said...

Great blog entry Michelle! I love a positive outlook on a rather dreary subject! It was snowing so hard for today that I couldn't even see your house. a few things I appreciate about winter are
1) I just love being able to be home in my warm house (I can almost hear the propane tank humming!)and not having to go anywhere.
2) Winter really slows me down
3) it makes me even more grateful for Spring and Summer!
4) As much as I hate winter at times, I don't think I'd appreciate living where the weather is the same all year long.
5) Like your dad, I'm blessed by being able to vacation where it's warm during the winter. I do feel bad for those who don't get a break from it though.

Thanks for sharing! Love you, Mom