Monday, April 02, 2007

More on More

Quite awhile back I read an excellent and honest post by one gracious New Yorker. Read it.

What she said lingers with me today. I am in the process of spring cleaning which includes my clothing closet. I look in my closet to find something to wear, and I exclaim
"Bleeccch, I don't like any of this."
Ridiculous, sad, and true. It is slightly dangerous for me to go shopping during the change of seasons. I see all the new fashion out there. I think I need more. More in my closet, more choices, more of the new trends, more, more, more!!!!

Why is discontent so rampant? It is just me? Or would any one of us be able to pinpoint an area of their life where they feel discontented about something they would not want to readily admit. I don't like it that my discontent is so trivial as clothing. It's one of those times where I say, Come on, Chelle these are not real problems. Focus this energy on something worthwhile. I need to realize that God has given me even greater blessings that the clothes on my back.

We can blame advertisers, billboards, and brilliant marketing schemes for fueling our need for more. It is amazingly potent. I can not open my email, watch TV, or drive down the road without being presented with something I think I need. But it comes down to the strength of our hearts, not getting sucked in by all the world has to offer. Don't keep up with the Jones's because it really doesn't matter.

I'll keep telling myself I don't need this :
or this.

Just some thoughts for a Monday.


Anonymous said...

I,along with you,struggle with discontentment at times.I have plenty to wear in my closet and yet with spring comes the desire for new clothes.The stuff from previous spring seasons still fits(barely)but I feel I need something new. Afterall, I can afford it and everyone else (peers) is getting something.But do I need it? Is that what God wants me to focus on? Are there better places to be spending our money? I believe God places these questions on our hearts for a purpose.I don't mean to lay a guilt trip on anyone but you gave us food for thought.

Anonymous said...

This is a major struggle for me too...I find myself not liking stuff that isn't even a year old, yet, geesh! Mom H. has some good questions we should ask ourselves, that's for sure...

And I might add, you always look great and seem to know how to put your own spin on fashion.

Triplet Mom said...

Ahh yes! I find that not going to the stores helps me a ton! I don't think I need anything until I go into a store and see so many cool things (esp. Target!)

What I am always asking myself is why I think I need more than 2 dressy outfits for a season. I only wear them once a week. Really, I could wear the same dress every Sunday! No on would care or notice!

I think you should pick 2 dressy outfits and stick with them. Then go through your casual clothes and lay out as many combinations as you can with what you already have. Then... don't go shopping unless you HAVE to! It helps!

Old School said...

I have never been more discontented with your ability to blog than I am today, thanks

Anonymous said...

We buy things we don't want, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like
So try to keep up!!

Michelle said...

Cow, I am glad to stir up your discontent what ever it may be. However, you may need to dig a little deeper.

Michelle said...

Didn't I sound like a fortune cookie just then?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Chelle,
RP and I took time this afternoon and went through the closet and drawers. We have several large bags for the mission and one big garbage bag for the trash pickup.

Upi were good inspiration to get that job done,
but now...
I'm thinking Younkers ;-)
How sad it that?

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry! I don't know what "Upi" means. I think Fig must have gotten into my computer somehow and messed up my message!

tami said...

I have been going shopping lately, I am afraid to admit. I have also been going nuts for Elli, she really doesn't need a whole lot either. Last year I gave up shopping for Lent. It was amazing how hard it was and how good it felt.

MiniMe Mom said...

I like to shop, but I always have buyer's remorse, so that takes some of the fun out of it. I cannot leave Babies R Us without at least one outfit though:-)

Anonymous said...

Fig-tionary: UPI -Unimportant personal information. ie) I always have to read upi on Tami's blog.

Old School said...

I am now a Cavemen Cow

Anonymous said...

Ashlyn likes the "super purple" mini-van on your homepage

Michelle said...

Feeling totally guilty about my current shopping spree in Florida now. Oh, well, I'll write it off as souveniers (sp?).

MiniMe Mom said...

Kayden loves the Van too. He always asks for the purple car to come up

Laurie said...

The Jones' have such cool stuff though. :)

Since we just dropped a bundle on new kitchen cabinets, no new outfits - for anyone - anytime soon.