Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mmmmm...Raw Fish.

Last Friday Dan and I went out with Scott and Katie for Sushi. We were all shocked that Dan agreed to try it. He has very specific opinions about just what he will eat. Anything sold at a convenience store is acceptable for meals. Beans, potatoes, tomato soup are not on his list. I was pretty sure he wasn't going to love sushi and wanting to hit the nearest McDonalds on the way home. Much to our surprise he liked it and so did I. However we sucked at using chopsticks.

The cutest part of the evening was of course Nicholas. Thanks Scott and Katie for the good time, and getting us to expand our tastebuds:)


Anonymous said...

Was that Tokyo Grill I saw? Sushi rocks. Welcome to the Sushi fan club. Soon you'll be in the Sushi once a week club! You'll need all of your loose change for that. Try a caterpiller (who am I Fig?) roll next time - it will change your life. Julie H.

Anonymous said...

We have cat in our combo #5, but it's cooked

Anonymous said...

It looks as if you have Garfield purring on your fork.

Dana said...

Exellent new background, my blogging friend. You may have to share some html insight with me.