Last Sunday evening we witnessed the Baptism of the triplets and soon we will welcome a new little one. I want to give God the glory for the tremendous blessings he has rained down on our family this year. I am so proud of my siblings, watching Stacey stand up in front of church with her three girls brought over me a sense of gratitude I don't think I have felt since the birth of my own children. I can hardly wait to see my little brother holding his baby in his arms. Ross was talking the other night about how he is ready for the pregnancy to be over, that it has been long, and not without surprises. I teased him saying, "poor you" as if he was the one carrying the extra 20 some odd pounds around and having contractions. But really, he is one of the mose supportive husbands I have ever known, being there for his wife every single step of the way. He didn't gain any sympathy weight, but he has truly experienced this pregnancy.
So while we wait let's offer up Ross and Bethany's some parenting/birth/newborn advice.
Keep it clean folks :)
Get sleep whenever you can the 1st 3-4 months
SLEEP? Why should he be any different than any other new Dad.
Always offer to hold the "baby Fig" when he is not crying and being good. That way when he starts crying Mom will always say "Oh, let me take him" (I presume he will be a boy)
If it is a boy, always have a burp cloth near. Kayden pee'd right into the trash can at the doctor's office when he was getting weighed as a baby. Hopefully that is a foreshadow of some great baller skills? NBA first draft pick here we come...
What did you do to your blog? Why can't I leave comments as a blogger?
anonymous, who are you?
I'm not sure why it's not letting you comment you are a registered blogger? Boy, i regret changing to blogger-beta. to many issues.
i mean too many issues.
Hey Chelle!
I can't leave comments as a blogger either...but I wasn't "anonymous".
Are your kids feeling better?
I kept Chase home from school today. that place is absolutely crawling with germs--even more that usual. have fun at lunch, maybe someday we will meet in real life :)
How did you move your profile? Jamie
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