Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Beauty is in The Eye of the Beholder

I wish this was my eye. I have never thought that my eyelashes were one of my better assets, until I lost a few of them. I didn't realize I was that vain until I cried over the bare spot on my eyelid where lashes once grew strong.

A busy Sunday morning where time was short and nothing was going right was the scene for the lash curling gone wrong. I stuck that lash curler on, pinched it closed. That is when I had what some might call a brain fart. I pulled the curler away from my eye BEFORE I OPENED IT! I actually pulled out my own lashes! I ended up with one eye missing exactly half of it's top lashes and oh so many lashes stuck to the curler.
I screamed out to Dan who did not think it was worth all the emotional drama I was displaying.

Honestly, who does this kind of stuff. Last year at this time I was trimming my eyebrows with a little razor and took out a huge chunk of those too. Yes, they will grow back, but in the mean time I will be purchasing some falsies to see if I can fill the void.

They are just going to kick me right out of the AVON lady business for this one.


Anonymous said...

Chelle, I've done the eyelash thing before!!! It was on the outer corner of my top lid...I cried too!

Did you ever hear about the falsies they put on you at a salon and they last for about 2 mths?? I think it would be worth.

Laurie said...

Am I the only woman who has never used an eyelash curler? (Not that I couldn't use something for my short, stubby lashes.) Ouch!

Michelle said...

Ouch! Sorry about that Michelle!

Laurie, I've never used one either and after this blog post I don't think I'll ever try it! : )

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about buying a eyelash curler for some time now. I am getting sick of having to put mascara on all the time, and I thought that if they are just curled I won't need mascara. But now that I have read the problems that you have been having I think that I will stick to using the mascara.

Tina said...

Don't we get sooo desperate this time of year to "look good"? We will do anything to have that, "I look good" feeling back. I think everyone in MI is feeling it, and waiting for that bit of Vit. D to move in.

MiniMe Mom said...

If anyone wants mine, I did get a great one from AVON that I thought I would use a lot. I am not sure it is even out of the plastic wrap:-)

Sorry Chelle, that sucks. We still planning on thursday? Same place?

Old School said...

I think Jerry did a similar thing with his chest hair.

Anonymous said...

"Eye" have been laughing at this since Stacey told me after church Sunday! I can imagine the drama after it occured! Thanks for reminding me

Sonny Huisman said...

Oh My Word! Ouch!

The visual picture is humorous, but I'm feeling your vain-pain.

Laurie, I've tried the curler once or twice, but it doesn't seem to make that big of a difference - not a difference worth losing eyelashes over!