Saturday, September 08, 2007

Caaaan't Sttoppp Eattinggg!

One of the many early pregnancy symptoms that I apparently forgot about---

I have told myself that it is all in my head. That I just think I need to "eat for two." But I am telling you, I want to eat for two, or three, or four for that matter! What is going on? Why would a baby the size of an inch cause such a change in my eating habits?
Come on, who eats two breakfasts? And why do I act like I have never been through this before?

This is going to be a long pregnancy if I can't stop thinking about my next meal and my next nap!



Anonymous said...

Hey Chelle, at least your pregnant...I have no excuse for the amount of food I consume in a day!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop eating either.....
I have to go forgive someone.....myself

Laurie said...

It was so nice to meet you for coffee last night. See you on the blogs!

Enjoy "guilt-free" eating for the next nine months.

Anonymous said...

You are what you eat, so baby fig better have lots of cake, cookies, and candy.