Ok then.
So Chase came home with all excited last Monday night. At school the students were challenged to turn off the TV for the whole week--including the weekend. A good project with the end result being a child's realization that he could exist without his daily dose of the tube.
His ambitious, young mind was filled with ideas of what he could do instead of watch TV. I was ready to support him, until I began to realize how much I depended on a TV show or video here and there to occupy my kids while I completed various tasks. Each hour or so I needed to provide Chase with some type of entertainment. Books, bikes, games, wrestling with Dewey just to name a few.
Some info from TVturnoff.org
What's So Great about TV-Turnoff Week?
Turning off the television gives us a chance to think, read, create, and do. To connect with our families and engage in our communities. To turn off TV and turn on life.
I am proud to say that he accomplished the task. Maybe it was because "everybody's doing it", maybe he did it because of the small chance his name would be chosen in the daily drawing and he could win a calculator---ooooo! Whatever the reason, he showed determination and self discipline. Could you give it up? If just for a week?
Yesterday Chase woke up and asked me, "Am I done yet? Can I watch Arthur?"
Could I give it up personally? Yes. But like you, I rely on the tv to babysit here and there while I do stuff around the house as well...
Go Chase! That's great he accomplished his goal!
I sadly would have a harder time than my kids, unless you count Curious George. But I have noticed my "need" to watch certain shows has been dying.
OOh boy, I would miss my late night TV while I sew. I think time would drag!
Kayden would really miss Mickey Mouse Clubhouse most of all....I am proud of Chase for going a whole week! Did he win the calculator?
I wouldn't have a problem with it . . . I don't watch much TV anyway (although Gray's Anatomy is a favorite, along with American Idol).
Giving up my computer might be a little harder . . .
I would miss the fact that it occupies the kids from time to time, though.
I heard about that on TV
You guys are better than me, I like TV too much I guess. It's genetic.
Sonny--it was SO difficult for me to unplug from my computer for a week while on vacation. It taught me one valuable lesson though- my e-mail will wait, and it was not as bad as I thought it would be to return them all in one day.
Stacey (another one of Fig's daughters) could NEVER go a week w/o TV. The Hopkins kids did something like this when they were young but apparently Fig and Figette thought movies/videos aren't TV - WHAT!?!?!?!? Hence their infatuation with Rocky.
I think I could, as long as it is not winter.
Funny you write about this - I just popped in the wiggles so I could grab a cup of coffee, read a few blogs and then take my shower. :)
hey michelle...it's so funny, we did turn off tv week as well and stella caught tristan watching it one morning at 6 am and was furious! it's definitely a challenge but i really kind of enjoyed the lack of tv. although i only have one child...
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