Thursday, September 07, 2006

An Acquired Taste?

That's right, you heard it here. I, a former coffee loather have crossed over to the dark side. Well, maybe not the dark side, but the 2 sugars and lots of cream side.

I find it so weird that for 30 years I hated coffee and coffee products and now in one weeks time I have ordered coffee at a restaurant and stopped at a Starbucks!!! The dude at Starbucks had to guide me through the experience, but it all turned out OK. I'm left to wonder about all the fun I've missed over the years that I did not drink coffee. Coffee Break at church, I always drank water. Coffee with the girls, like a nerd I was the only one drinking Hot Cocoa. Think of the all-nighters I could have pulled!

My parents are appalled (they don't drink it) , my friends are shocked, and my husband does not like to hear the slurping sound that I make when I sip.

What's a girl to do??

I think I'll buy this thing.


Dana said...

Now that I think about it, I've seen your gradual progression toward java over the years...10 years ago, you wouldn't drink anything hotter than room temp, then you started drinking those steamer things, then a random fluffly coffee drink or two.
Give it another year or two and you'll be lining up espresso shots on the counter.

Anonymous said...

Coffee is good!!!!!!!! My favorite at Starbucks is a vanilla latte. Very good!! We will definitely have to meet some morning for coffee. Too bad Starbucks doesn't have a play area.

Tina said...

Welcome to the "normal" side of the road! We're glad you have finally arrived.

Old School said...

Oh yea, coffee is good and the caffiene is good for you too(say really really fast)

Anonymous said...

Oh the fig likes coffee. One cup in the morning with peanut butter and toast. Rena always has a cup for me at work around 10 am. (with a treat). A cup of "Joe" was supposted to put hair on your chest but it never worked for me.

Anonymous said...

Your first pitfall was to go to Starbucks, they put something in their coffee that is addictive. Trust me I know from first hand experience. My fav is a Venti(XL) Carmel Macchiato. Yummy, I think that I will have to go there today. The reason you might have started the coffee thing is that you now have kids in school and you have to have a jump start in the morning before you get them ready to go out the door. Yet, another experience I can relate too. You need to go to Cost Plus World Market and buy their Torani Coffee Syrup, any flavor you can think of. For a fifth sized bottle it is only $5. Welcome to Adulthood, not being able to do anything in the morning until you get that first cup of coffee down.=)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the java

Anonymous said...

It's all in the beans

Anonymous said...

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