Monday, September 25, 2006

And they said it couldn't be done...

I have acheived greatness today in the field of housewifery. I wanted to mark it on the calendar so I could remember this great feat. Today I have sorted, washed, folded, and (wait for it) PUT AWAY all of my 8 loads of laundry. This task has been my weekly Mt. Everest for 10 years now. In theory it is so simple, but in real life, I just couldn't seem to EVER complete laundry day in just that---one day.

I realize this may not seem like a big deal to you, but I'm sure everyone out there has something like this that they just can't seem to accomplish. Procrastinators, dilly-daliers, and those of you with ADD can now rejoice. If I can do do my laundry in one day you can tackle your mountain too--you just gotta believe!!! (and spend slightly less time blogging)

How's that for a motivational speech?


Michelle said...

oh, come on cow, you can do better than that. i know my little speech got you fired up!

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ the Cow - No Comment

Anonymous said...

I am shocked! All in one day. I think we have stuff at our house yet that was not wash, fold, or put away from when you lived at home. When we gutted the basement we found old pizza boxes, perfume bottles, pictures, pictures, pictures and other unmentionables.

tami said...

I am inspired and hope to do laundry today. But there is one thing I want to know. Where do those missing socks go? Seriously the dryer can't really eat them up, can they?

tami said...

Chelle, did I hear you cut your hair? Do we get a picture? I am also thinking of chopping some length off but Rob doesn't want me to. I told him he wasn't Fig and I wasn't going to keep it long for him.

Anonymous said...

Chelle! I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it! But 8 loads! Sorry to burst your bubble but that is not going to happen every week. But nevertheless enjoy this great feat and take heart. Someday you'll be down to a sad 3 loads and you'll have no problem gettin er done.

Sonny Huisman said...


I have joined you in this amazing feat this week! (Check out my blog for the mountainous pile of laundry in my living room).

Doesn't it feel good to get it all done in a day? Who knew such a menial task could give such a feeling of accomplishment.

I must chuckle at Raging Cow, Braaaaaad and Fig's comments . . . like they would ever understand what an accomplishment it is to complete 8 loads of laundry . . .